Computer-based Marketing Analysis in a Pharma PSU


  • Ganesh Radhakrishnan Ex -Serviceman


computer, marketing analysis, marketing strategy, qualitative analysis of marketing


Computer is mandatory in this advanced era and pharmaceutical and related subjects are not exception to it. This review mainly focuses on the various applications, software and use of computers in pharmaceutical and pharmacy. Computer science and technology is deeply utilized in pharmaceutical field everywhere like in, pharmaceutical industries, pharmacy colleges, research centers, hospital pharmacy and many more. Computer significantly reduces the time, expenditure, and manpower required for any kind of work. Development of various software make it trouble-free to handle huge data. Computers are playing critical role in Pharmaceutical field, without computers Pharmaceutical and pharmacy research will be long-lasting and expensive. Marketing analytics or research has completely changed with the discovery of new fields like bio-informatics, computational biology, computational genomics (often referred to as computational genetics), modelling biological systems, health informatics (also called health information systems, health care informatics, medical informatics, nursing informatics, clinical informatics, or biomedical informatics Computational chemistry, chem-informatics (also known as chemical informatics). With introduction of increasing products and problems and the increasing proportion of those products, lot of small and large organization have to bear the consequences. The efficiency is increased by doing lot of marketing research and taking help of computers. The quantitative content analysis show that the focus of the marketing material in the areas of information management/information supply. But in qualitative analysis, it is found that the focus is on economic benefits.



How to Cite

Radhakrishnan, G. (2020). Computer-based Marketing Analysis in a Pharma PSU. NOLEGEIN- Journal of Information Technology &Amp; Management, 3(2), 13–25. Retrieved from