Indian Trade Union: a with Global perspectives SWOT Analysis


  • Anuradha Sinha Ex-Assistant Professor


ICFTU (International Confédération of Free Trade Union), Trade union, WTO (World Trade Organisation)


A trade union is an organization of workers performing together, who are looking for to protect and promote their mutual interests through collective bargaining. Trade unions are primarily based upon the idea of "class-battle" between the capitalist employers and their workers. Trade unions have three cardinal ideas; cohesion is power, Equality of pay for same work, safety of employment. Trade unions have step by step developed and have now come to occupy a vital place in the modern-day industrial order. They've now grow to be huge institutions; they have now grow to be institutions which are interested in the social, cultural and political development of the country. Nowadays, in the world of globalization, trade union motion is not totally a motion for advancing claims as a movement looking for to increase the fabric wellbeing of its participants however, it has grown right into a pressure which no longer only defends the global, political, social and cultural pastimes of its participants but also incorporates out unique duties affecting enterprising and intellectual people particularly with regard to their career, jobs, salaries, paid vacations, vocational schooling, leisure and health improvement program and so forth at global outset.

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How to Cite

Sinha, A. (2018). Indian Trade Union: a with Global perspectives SWOT Analysis. NOLEGEIN- Journal of Information Technology &Amp; Management, 1(2), 8–11. Retrieved from