MBA Journals a bouquet of 16 Journals, is an authentic research publication which disseminates knowledge dealing with 6 domains as Business, Finance, HRM, Industry, Management & Marketing. We ensure good practice of Management, Business and Administration. We encourage research and thinking, and attempt to contribute to a better perception of MBA theories, its framework, resources, structures, systems, processes and performance of organizations, as its focal point is on research and reflections relevant to academicians and practicing managers.
Objectives of MBA Journal(s):
- Promotion of articles related with Management, Business and Administration domains.
- Publication of genuine articles through proper peer review process.
- Publishing Special Issues on Conferences.
- Preparing online platform for other print Journals.
- Empowering the libraries with online and print Journals in MBA domains.
- Employs Open Journals System (OJS) – A Journal Management & Publishing System.
- Rapid online submission and publication of papers, soon after their formal acceptance/ finalization.
- Free online access to the abstracts of all articles.
- An effective global web exposure for your Journal.
- A chance to preserve your research/review work, online.
- An initiative to share and empower knowledge worldwide.
- A mode to generate interest in your subject area.
- Facilitates linking with the other authors or professionals.